
Linking Old and New #5: Pharaoh, a man with a hard heart

Linking Old and New #5: Pharaoh, a man with a hard heart

Even as our hearts are centered in our chest in our physical bodies, so our problem with sin is seen by God as being basically a heart issue. Ultimately, only God can change our hearts. In the case of Pharaoh, we are told that the Lord hardened his heart over and over again. Why would God harden someone’s heart? In this case, God hardened Pharaoh’s heart because God had a greater purpose planned.  That purpose was that His people would be released from slavery so that they might return to the land promised to Abraham, the land of Canaan.

Linking Old and New Blog#1

Linking Old and New Blog#1

Recently, I released a book entitled Somebody Call 9:11, The Power of Covenant in Times of Crisis which I co-authored with my friend Scott Stripling. I wrote this book after my devotional time on September 11, 2015 when I got the idea to look up each of the ninth chapter and eleventh verse scriptures in the Bible and see what they would reveal, if anything.

From that devotional, this book was born, and from the verses and principles studied while writing the book, this blog continues diving into themes of covenantal blessings linked from the Old Testament to the New Testament and ringing true for us today.