What has the 21st century learned from crisis experiences like 9/11 or the COVID-19 pandemic?

In times of crisis, preconceptions are thrown into doubt. An interesting but obscure life hack might suddenly take on urgency and necessity. 

In times past, life was understood through the lens of covenant, a concept that has largely fallen off the radar of modern society. History clearly shows that God interacted with man in ancient times through covenants. But is that still how he views humanity today? 

Does God still covenant? What use is covenant to humanity today?

Drs. Ralph Peil and Scott Stripling contend that God still uses the ancient device of covenant to offer amazing, life-changing levels of blessing, protection and provision. When everything else around is in ruin and chaos, covenant relationship with God is a lifeline.

This book is a beautifully-written explanation of the Biblical understandings of covenant. It is also moving personal testimonies by two men whose combined wisdom and insight are a rare treasure.


Book Reviews

Each day reports in the news serve as a constant reminder that we live in a complex and broken world full of escalating violence and turmoil. And yet in the midst of this brokenness and violence, The Power of Covenant In Times of Crisis is a poignant and timely reminder that God is very much in control and at work in our world. Using a fascinating and unique combination of church history, insightful scriptural exegesis, Biblical archeology and their own personal faith journeys, Dr. Scott Stripling and Dr. Ralph Peil remind us that as followers of Jesus, we can find encouragement, comfort and hope in the very difficult and perplexing times that we live in.
— Paul Osteen, M.D, Associate Pastor at Lakewood Church
The Power of Covenant In Times of Crisis conveys clearly that while we may live in a troubled world, we are not without hope. The message comes through loudly and clearly that our loving God, who gives hope to all, has always been at work doing more behind our backs than in front of our faces. The reader will enjoy getting to know the authors and seeing many things from their combined experience and perspective.
— Ron Corzine, Founder of Christian Fellowship International
We are living in days filled with chaos and punctuated with crisis as the post-modern and post-Christian west continues to unravel. Emotions are raw, and fear ubiquitous in this new age of self. Many of us look back to the events of 9/11 as the historical marker of this troubled new reality. Enter, The Power of Covenant in Times of Crisis by Dr. Scott Stripling and Dr. Ralph Peil. This lucid, yet penetrating new book is a reminder that it is God’s covenantal promises that should drive away the darkness of despair and set us firmly on the strong and unmovable foundation of God’s trustworthy character and word. The authors’ creative approach brings the Scriptures powerfully into focus in a fascinating and informative way, reminding us of God’s faithfulness in the past and calling us, as Christ’s followers, to live Holy Spirit empowered lives as God’s covenant people!
— Scott Lanser, Executive Director, Associates for Biblical Research
These two authors offer such a unique perspective of archeology and love of Biblical history – and an overall intense love of God that, when using the backdrop of the infamous 9/11 attacks, they reveal insights and unique covenant implications that I had never weighed before! This book is a must for any truth-seeker who wants to delve further into God’s covenant promises. The selected 9:11 passages point the way.
— Jill Mitchell, O’Brien, President and Founder, Kingdom Connections Int’l, Inc.
The Power of Covenant In Times of Crisis is a Texas-flavored spiritual fajita plate of delicious biblical exposition fresh off the grill accompanied by a mix of tasty insights from ancient history and current events, topped with a zesty blend of unique life experiences of two men who know the inner workings of people and society far better than most through their somewhat unusual professions in medicine and archaeology. A good meal for anyone seeking nourishment in covenantal, transformational living that honors God and positively impacts society!
— Dr. K. Lynn Lewis, President of The Bible Seminary
This book stirs the spirit of man to the remembrance that God is active in our lives and encourages us to seek God and to move into what the Lord is doing in our lives today.
— Walt Raske, Director, Healing Rooms of West Houston